Why Private Music Lessons Are More Effective than Group Music Lessons
Music is an art that requires focus, dedication and attention to be developed. The whole concept of music is built on the premise of independence of thought and action, serenity and focus. All of these are why people consider taking music lessons in environments that offer some amount of comfort and less distraction. This is the major reason why it is more reasonable and advisable to consider private music lessons instead of group music lessons. There are, however, several other reasons why private music lessons are more effective than group music lessons and I will proceed to list them out in this blog post.
Serenity of environment during the music class
Serenity of a music lesson in an environment to be better prepared for the big show
As has been pointed out in the introductory part of this blog entry, serenity of environment is an important factor in the process of learning music. This is because the environment in which a person learns to create music would ultimately have its impact on the music of the person. Considering this, choosing private music lessons over group music lessons proves to be a lot more profitable when the serenity of the environment is factored into the equation. For this reason, a student in a private music lesson class is able to concentrate and learn without unnecessary distractions.
Privacy and attention in a one to one music lesson
Private music instruction give the teacher and the student the privacy they need to interact and relate freely while learning music. Privacy is important in the process of learning especially if the student is someone that is shy and may not do so well in public or among other students. In this case, having them alone with their teacher would help them focus more on their development of the craft and less on their inability to fit in with the crowd (which is the usual reason for continued shyness). When the strain of public attention is removed, the student feels more relaxed and can fully express himself. At this point, there is no fear of failing because the student knows that nobody would make fun of him for failing. Thus, he is not afraid of making mistakes and learning from them.
Freedom of a comfort zone to prevent musical inhibitions
In some cases, a comfort zone can be a bad thing. However, when dealing with some types of students, it is important to opt for private music lessons because the freedom of a comfort zone would help them feel a lot more expressive and overcome the fear they initially exhibited while in the company of other people. For people interested in learning music but are introverted or shy, opting for private music lessons is a better option compared to group music lessons.
A lot more time to use and tailor the music lesson to student needs
Private guitar lesson at Stage Music Center in Winchester MA
Private music lessons mean you would be working with just one student within a specific time frame. Considering that in group music classes you have to teach different people with different personalities, from different backgrounds and with different levels of understanding within a specific time frame, private music lessons offer more time to work with one student and fully exhaust the class at the pace of the person’s learning capacity.
Because of all of the above a student tends to progress faster in a one to one private music lesson, and therefore she/he masters the instrument in a shorter period of time. Rapid results are at the end more cost efficient and a are what makes her/him want to improve and carry on.
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