Summer Music Lessons? Why not!

Music lessons over the summer, Enjoy a more relaxed time to learn

Believe it or not, summer will be right around the corner. Sunshine, warm air, longer periods of daylight, fun,  and school vacation. For most people it’s a favorite time of year to rest and reset. 

So, you ask why take music lessons over the summer?

Why not?!

What do you think would happen if you spent a couple of hours per day practicing an instrument during summer?

Magic -- You would be one step closer to mastery of that instrument! The summer is a great time to get a jumpstart on a new personal project.

Summer is the perfect opportunity to experiment something new with no fall strings attached! You want to start learning a musical instrument or have interest in exploring an additional one, summer is the best time to “give it a try!”. Lessons time slots are more flexible. It is the perfect tome to try something new without commitments.

Why take the summer off…? Why not keep up the positive momentum and keep going for that next piece, that difficult scale, or those new fingerings. The sky is the limit! Move forward and keep up developing the musical kills you worked so hard to build over the course of the year. Take a moment to think about the music you were playing last fall and the music you can play now, and realize what you have achieved. Without teacher guidance or practice, like everything else, your musical skills will backslide! Music lessons during the summer = keep your progress going. It’s as simple as that. Even if a current music student is motivated enough to practice over the summer they still might find it difficult to progress without the guidance of a teacher. Sure, you can continue to work your way through a method book, but, you would lack the guidance through instruction and demonstration that a teacher can offer you.

Get the right mix of fun and challenges. Whatever activities your child will undertake during the summer, music lessons are the perfect complement your child expectations of having a great and exciting summer. Enjoying music lessons over the summer provides your child with entertaining goals to work toward, builds self confidence and initiative, and develops a positive attitude when school resumes.

Whatever your motivations are, enjoy this relaxing time to explore. We’ll be here to help you. No strings attached.

Lean more about our Summer Music Packages at Stage Music Center in Winchester MA

Call us today at (781) 570-2556, email-us or fill in our online contact form.

We look forward to helping you get more music into your life during summer!

Rose Bogossian