Changing Teachers

In the last few weeks we’ve had the departure of some of our teachers to head into new and exciting opportunities (myself included, but, I’ll be blogging her for as long as life permits). This has brought up some interesting points about teachers, their perspective, and what it’s like to change to a new teacher. 

First, try not to take a teacher leaving us as something personal. Trust me, they love working with you, your son, or daughter. Many of the teachers I’ve spoken with talk about passing on their craft of music to the next generation as one of the most important things they can do outside of performing.  Teachers are ultimately people, with their own ambitions, needs, and skills. That said, there could be many reasons a teacher would be leaving you: new opportunity, family needs, health concerns, etc. 

Second, when preparing for a new teacher make sure your outgoing teacher gives you some idea where you are. Throughout the learning process, (and each teacher approaches this differently) there are clear areas of repertoire, technique, and applied theory knowledge that you should make sure that your outgoing teacher can communicate to the new teacher. 

Third, see this as an opportunity! Like I said earlier in this post, teachers have particular skills and some are better at things than others. I only realized that lesson when I had switched teachers for the first time, that my outgoing teacher at the time didn’t actually know everything. She was very good, but, was a specialist in only certain things. My teachers since have helped me to work on all of those aspects of being a musician. Over time, I realize that I am a product of all my teachers and they are a product of theirs. That’s something that keeps the craft of music alive. We’re all part of a legacy of all the great musicians that have come before us. We light the candles of each of our students in the hopes that they will pass that light on to others. 

Lastly, if your teacher isn’t working out (which can be for a variety of reasons), please let us know at Stage Music Center. We’re always looking for good feedback, and to make sure our students and teachers are happy.
